How do I run DRGFilt under windows?
You run DRGFilt from a command line, like so:
- click on the Windows Start menu
- click on the Run menu item
- type "cmd" in the box
- hit enter; you will get a "DOS box" with a prompt; let's say the
prompt is ">"
- type "cd \your-directory-name" and hit enter (replace
"your-directory-name" with the name of the directory you are using)
- type "drgfilt f25 drgmasks.f25 control.fil < input > output" and
hit enter (replace "control.fil" with the name of your control file,
"input" with the name of your input file and "output" with the name of
your output file)
For detailed instructions, please refer to the DRGFilt chapter in the manual.
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