Sunday, October 14, 2012

V30 Bug Test Case

This post is intended to give users of our various products a test case to ensure the corrected version of our product is in use.

Use the "v30 bug" label to see all the posts about this issue.

The basic test case is this, from our new testdb.txt (line 18,374): WRONG=DRG 194; CORRECT=DRG 178. Note the Present on Admission (POA) indicators at the end of the diagnosis codes.

----------INPUT REC 18374----------
 age@  0 for  3:018
 sex@  3 for  1:1
  ds@  4 for  2:51
  dx@ 23 for 96:4870   Y|85172  N|48284  Y|69556  Y|E8616  Y                                                        
surg@223 for 98:9503   |9946   |9904   |9144   |9231   |3372   |0016   |9971                                             
 drg@607 for  3:178
 mdc@610 for  2:04
  rc@612 for  2:00
dflg@614 for 15:101100000000000
sflg@629 for 15:000000000000000

Here is a C program which calls our mhdrg() function on the this test case:

/* tryit.c (c) 2002 M+H Consulting, LLC C-callable demo (BFH) */
/* Sun Oct 14 18:08:14 EDT 2012 BFH test case for v30 bug */
/* Sun Oct  3 11:57:46 EDT 2010 BFH support f28 */
/* 10/06/2008 made win32 and unix versions the same */
/* 10/11/2003 added bit-string of used dx's and used procedures */


#define DELIM "^"
#define RETURNED 10

#ifdef WIN32
/* DLL functions */
extern int mhicd();             /* mhicd.dll */
extern char * mhdrg();          /* mhdrg.dll */
extern char * mherrdesc();      /* mhdrg.dll */
char * mhdrg();
extern char * errdesc();        /* mhdrg.dll */

int main() {
    char * retval;
    char * p;
    char * a[RETURNED];
    char * expected;
    int i;

    /* f30 test case: bug fix
----------INPUT REC 18374----------
 age@  0 for  3:018
 sex@  3 for  1:1
  ds@  4 for  2:51
  dx@ 23 for 96:4870   Y85172  N48284  Y69556  YE8616  Y                                                        
surg@223 for 98:9503   9946   9904   9144   9231   3372   0016   9971                                             
 drg@607 for  3:178
 mdc@610 for  2:04
  rc@612 for  2:00
dflg@614 for 15:101100000000000
sflg@629 for 15:000000000000000
     expected = "RC: 0 MDC: 04 DRG: 178";

    /* call the grouper, store results in reval */
    retval = mhdrg(
        "f30p",                 /* which DRG version you want */
        "/drbd/mnh/src/SWIG",   /* path to masks files */
        "1",                    /* discharge status */
        "18",                   /* patient age on admission */
        "1",                    /* patient sex (1=male, 2=female) */
        /* ICD DX codes */
        "4870   Y85172  N48284  Y69556  YE8616  Y",
        /* ICD procedure codes */
        "9503   9946   9904   9144   9231   3372   0016   9971   ",
        8,                      /* length of each ICD DX code */
        7                       /* length of each ICD procedure code */

    /* if there was an error, alert the user */
    if (retval == NULL) {
        printf("M+H grouper argument or environment error: %s\n", errdesc());

    /* show the raw return value */
    printf("Raw return value from mhdrg:\n%s\n\n",retval);

    /* deconstruct return from mhdrg() */
    p = strtok(retval,DELIM);
    for (i = 0; i < RETURNED && p != NULL; i++) {
        a[i] = p;
        p = strtok(NULL,DELIM);
    /* last two return values are bit-strings of which ICD codes were 
     * used in the grouping 

    puts("Deconstructed return value from mhdrg:");
    printf("rc=%s, mdc=%s, drg=%s, ovn=%s, weight=",a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]);
#ifdef OLD_WAY
    printf("%s, mean=%s, porm=%s\ndesc=%s\ndx flags:%ld, px flags: %ld\n",a[4],a[5],a[6],a[7],dxu,pxu);
    printf("%s, mean=%s, porm=%s\ndesc=%s\ndx flags:%s, px flags: %s\n",a[4],a[5],a[6],a[7],a[8],a[9]);

    /* show what we should get */
    printf("\nExpected result: %s\n",expected);

    /* last two return values are bit-strings of which ICD codes were used in the grouping */
    puts("\nSignificant ICD codes:");
#ifdef OLD_WAY
    for (mask = 1L,i = 0; i < 32; i++, mask *= 2L) {
        if (mask & dxu) {
            printf(" * DX code %2d was used\n",(i+1));
    for (mask = 1L,i = 0; i < 32; i++, mask *= 2L) {
        if (mask & pxu) {
            printf(" * Proc code %2d was used\n",(i+1));
    p = a[8];
    for (i = 0; i < 32 && p[i] != '\000'; i++) {
        if (p[i] == '1') {
            printf(" * DX code %2d was used\n",(i+1));
    p = a[9];
    for (i = 0; i < 32 && p[i] != '\000'; i++) {
        if (p[i] == '1') {
            printf(" * Proc code %2d was used\n",(i+1));
/* eof */

Here is an example of how the DAE failure looked in our CGI-DRG product:

Before fix: incorrect DRG of 194

M+H CGI CMS (HCFA) DRG Grouper (3.0:f30)

Version:  POA:  Exempt:  Age:  Sex:  Discharge Status: 
	    Diagnoses 1-5: *     *   
	   Diagnoses 6-10:           
	  Diagnoses 11-15:           

	   Procedures 1-5:                
	  Procedures 6-10:                
	 Procedures 11-15:                


DRG: 194 SIMPLE PNEUMONIA & PLEURISY W CC                                      
MDC:  4  Weight: 0.9996 Mean LOS: 0.00 Version: f30

© 2002-2012 M+H Consulting LLC, all rights reserved

After fix: correct DRG of 178

M+H CGI CMS (HCFA) DRG Grouper (3.0:f30)

Version:  POA:  Exempt:  Age:  Sex:  Discharge Status: 
	    Diagnoses 1-5: *   * *   
	   Diagnoses 6-10:           
	  Diagnoses 11-15:           

	   Procedures 1-5:                
	  Procedures 6-10:                
	 Procedures 11-15:                


MDC:  4  Weight: 1.4403 Mean LOS: 0.00 Version: f30

© 2002-2012 M+H Consulting LLC, all rights reserved

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