Wednesday, October 21, 2015

New VB-Callable API (Windows Only)

The new VB DLL API is very similar to the old one, but we will document the entire API so that this is the only reference you need.

If you have a working pre-V33 program, here is all you need to change:

The call to mhdrg()
  • the name of the DLL in your function delcarations to "vbdrgv33.dll"
  • the name of the DRG assigner from mhdrg() to mhdrg1()
  • add the POA flag: "y" means "have POA" and "n" means "no POAs"
  • add the exempt flag: "y" means "this case is exempt from HAC" and "no" means "not exempt"
  • the DX and Proc buffers both need to be bigger: 256, not 80
The call to mhinfo()
  • the declaration should have this as a Sub not a Function
  • the first argument is now ByVal, not ByRef
Below is the Visual Basics for Applications (VBA) code we use to call vbdrgv33.dll from Excel in order to run Excel-DRG:

Option Explicit

Private Declare Function mhdllver Lib "vbdrgv33.dll" (ByVal Buf As String, _
    ByVal BufLen As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function mhdrg1 Lib "vbdrgv33.dll" (drg As Integer, _
    ByVal DRGVersion As String, ByVal MasksPath As String, ByVal DischStat As String, _
    ByVal PtAge As String, ByVal PtGender As String, ByVal DXList As String, _
    ByVal ProcList As String, ByVal POAPresent As String, ByVal ExemptFlag As String) As Integer
Private Declare Sub mhinfo Lib "vbdrgv33.dll" (ByVal drg As Integer, _
    ByVal DRGVersion As String, ByVal MasksPath As String, ByRef mdc As Integer, _
    weight As Double, los As Double, ByVal Desc As String, ByVal DescLen As Integer)
Private Declare Function mhdrgver Lib "vbdrgv33.dll" (ByVal MPath As String, _
    ByVal Buf As String, ByVal BufLen As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Sub mherrdesc Lib "vbdrgv33.dll" (ByVal errBuffer As String, ByVal errLength As Integer)

Public Function AssignDRG()

On Error GoTo Err_Group

    Dim ReturnCode As Integer
    Dim drg As Integer, mdc As Integer
    Dim Desc As String * 80
    Dim weight As Double, los As Double
    Dim masksdir As String
    Dim myver As String, mydstat As String, myage As String, mysex As String, myexempt As String, mypoa As String
    Dim mydxbuf As String * 256
    Dim mypxbuf As String * 256
    Dim tempStr As String
    Dim N As Integer, needcomma As Integer
    Dim Val As String
    Dim NumRecords As Long, NumErrors As Long
    Dim LastRow As Long
    Dim MyID As Long                                    'user's record number
    Dim myWS As Object
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.Cursor = xlWait
    'start in first row, DRG column
    NumRecords = 0
    NumErrors = 0
    'get the path to the masks directory out of the registry, if you can
    masksdir = "C:\Program Files\MandH\Masks\"          'default
    Set myWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    tempStr = myWS.RegRead("HKLM\Software\MandH\BaseDir")
    If Len(tempStr) > 0 Then
        masksdir = tempStr & "\Masks\"
    End If
    'loop through records making sure DRG info is blank
    'first, find last row
    Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, -81).Range("A1").Value) = True
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
    'select DRG columns and all populated rows
    LastRow = ActiveCell.Row
    LastRow = LastRow - 1
    Range("CE2:CJ" & LastRow).Select
    'clear selection
    'loop through records assigning drg info
    Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell.Offset(0, -82).Range("A1").Value) = True
        myver = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -2).Range("A1").Value
        MyID = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -82).Value
        'abort if version is blank
        If myver = "" Then
            MyID = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -82).Value
            MsgBox "Version is empty for record # " & MyID & ". Cannot group.", vbOKOnly, "Missing Version"
            NumErrors = NumErrors + 1
            GoTo NextOne
        End If
        myexempt = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -79).Range("A1").Value
        mydstat = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -78).Range("A1").Value
        mysex = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -80).Range("A1").Value
        myage = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -81).Range("A1").Value
        mypoa = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Range("A1").Value
        'Loop through controls, getting their current values
        'make string out of the diagnosis codes
        tempStr = ""
        needcomma = 0
        For N = -77 To -53
            Val = ActiveCell.Offset(0, N).Range("A1").Value
            If Len(Val) > 0 Then
                'append POA flag, if present
                If ActiveCell.Offset(0, N + 25).Value <> "" Then
                    Val = Val & "~" & ActiveCell.Offset(0, N + 25).Range("A1").Value
                End If
                If needcomma <> 0 Then
                    tempStr = tempStr & ","
                End If
                needcomma = 1
                tempStr = tempStr & Val
            End If
        Next N
        mydxbuf = tempStr & "^" ' explicit end-of-data marker
        'make string out of the procedure codes
        tempStr = ""
        needcomma = 0
        For N = -27 To -3
            Val = ActiveCell.Offset(0, N).Range("A1").Value
            If Len(Val) > 0 Then
                If needcomma <> 0 Then
                    tempStr = tempStr & ","
                End If
                needcomma = 1
                tempStr = tempStr & Val
            End If
        Next N
        mypxbuf = tempStr & "^" ' explicit end-of-data marker
        'call the M+H grouper with what you got
        ReturnCode = mhdrg1(drg, myver, masksdir, mydstat, myage, mysex, mydxbuf, mypxbuf, mypoa, myexempt)
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Range("A1").Value = ReturnCode
        If ReturnCode <> 0 Then          'drg assignment failed, alas!
            Call mherrdesc(Desc, 80)
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Range("A1").Value = drg
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Value = Desc
            NumErrors = NumErrors + 1
        Else                            'drg assignment worked, hurray!
            'get the particulars of this DRG from M+H dll
            Call mhinfo(drg, myver, masksdir, mdc, weight, los, Desc, 80)
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Range("A1").Value = drg
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Range("A1").Value = Desc
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Range("A1").Value = mdc
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Range("A1").Value = weight
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5).Range("A1").Value = los
        End If
        ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
        NumRecords = NumRecords + 1
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    Application.Cursor = xlDefault
    MsgBox NumRecords & " records were grouped with " & NumErrors & " error(s)."

   Exit Function
    Application.Cursor = xlDefault
    MsgBox Err.Number & "-" & Err.Description
    Resume Exit_Group

End Function

Please check this blog for other entries about the VB callable DLL to answer other questions.

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