Option Explicit On
Imports System.Deployment
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Module Module1
Private Declare Function mhdllver Lib "vbdrgv37.dll" (ByVal Buf As String,
ByVal BufLen As Int32) As Integer
Private Declare Function mhdrg1 Lib "vbdrgv37.dll" (ByRef drg As Int32,
ByVal DRGVersion As String, ByVal MasksPath As String, ByVal DischStat As String,
ByVal PtAge As String, ByVal PtGender As String, ByVal DXList As String,
ByVal ProcList As String, ByVal POAPresent As String, ByVal ExemptFlag As String) As Int32
Private Declare Sub mhinfo Lib "vbdrgv37.dll" (ByVal drg As Int32,
ByVal DRGVersion As String, ByVal MasksPath As String, ByRef mdc As Int32,
ByRef weight As Double, ByRef los As Double, ByVal Desc As String, ByVal DescLen As Int32)
Private Declare Function mhdrgver Lib "vbdrgv37.dll" (ByVal MPath As String,
ByVal Buf As String, ByVal BufLen As Int32) As Int32
Private Declare Sub mherrdesc Lib "vbdrgv37.dll" (ByVal errBuffer As String, ByVal errLength As Int32)
Sub Main()
End Sub
Public Function AssignDRG()
Dim ReturnCode As Integer
Dim drg As Int32, mdc As Int32
Dim Desc As String
Dim descLen As Int32
Dim weight As Double, los As Double
Dim masksdir As String
Dim myver As String, mydstat As String, myage As String, mysex As String, myexempt As String, mypoa As String
Dim mydxstring As String
Dim mypxstring As String
Dim pos As Int32
' Hardcoded in this example
masksdir = "C:\Program Files (x86)\MandH\MASKS\" & ControlChars.NullChar
' Ideally, got from registry. Old VB-for-Access example:
' masksdir = QueryValue("Software\MandH\", "BaseDir") & "\Masks\"
myver = "v37e" ' version 37, exempt from HAC rules
mydstat = "1"
myage = "77"
mysex = "1"
mydxstring = "I2119^" ' ^ terminates the string; any of ,|-+ separate fields; ~ is followed by PoA
mypxstring = "02703ZZ^"
mypoa = "N" ' no POA because no HAC rules
myexempt = "X" ' crazy way this works: X = exempt, Z = not exempt
descLen = 80 ' left over from dumb ASCII terminal days; use whatever you like
' these should come back from the DLL call
drg = 0
mdc = 0
weight = 150
los = 10
Desc = Space(descLen)
' confirm which DLL we have loaded
drg = mhdllver(Desc, descLen)
' deal with char ASCIIz (null-terminated string)
pos = InStr(1, Desc, ControlChars.NullChar, CompareMethod.Binary)
Console.WriteLine("DLL Version: " & Desc.Substring(0, pos))
' Assign the DRG for this age, sex, discharge status, exemption, diagnoses and procedures
ReturnCode = mhdrg1(drg, myver, masksdir, mydstat, myage, mysex, mydxstring, mypxstring, mypoa, myexempt)
Console.WriteLine("DLL.mhdrg1 returned RC=" & ReturnCode.ToString)
If ReturnCode = 0 Then
Console.WriteLine("DLL.mhdrg1 returned DRG=" & drg.ToString)
Call mhinfo(drg, myver, masksdir, mdc, weight, los, Desc, descLen)
Console.WriteLine("DLL.mhinfo returned ver=" & myver & " " _
& "MDC=" & mdc.ToString & " " _
& "Weight=" & weight.ToString & " " _
& "LOS=" & los.ToString & " ")
Console.WriteLine("Desc=[" & Desc & "]")
Call mherrdesc(Desc, descLen)
Console.WriteLine("Error: " & Desc)
End If
' Should produce this output:
' DLL Version: mhdrgv37.dll v2.10 (c) 2015 M+H Consulting, LLC: v37
' DLL.mhdrg1 returned RC=0
' DLL.mhdrg1 returned DRG=251
' DLL.mhinfo returned ver=v37e MDC=5 Weight=1.683 LOS=2.2
Return ReturnCode
End Function
End Module