Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Where Is My Software?


We just purchased the above referenced software on our Purchase Order
Number XXXXXXXXX.  The Pay-Pay Receipt number is XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX.  At
the time the order was placed there was no shipping method specified.
Could we have the software emailed to us?


We are happy to email confirmed purchases. Your file is on its way, assuming that no email firewall between us intercepts it because it contains a .EXE file.

(If the email is rejected, we will send it via, a third party service. They will send you an email and you can use the link in that email to pull down your purchase.)

We hear that a purchase did not go through at least once a month, so we are writing up this answer in case our process is not intuitive.

The typical purchase should go like this:
  1. You place the order
  2. Our system confirms the payment
  3. The software should start to download during your session
  4. As a back up, an email is sent to you with a link

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