Monday, October 3, 2016

V34 Initial Implmentation Is Done

We have a DRG Assignment Engine (DAE) which supports v34, the version which was released three days ago. Last night we completed our initial implementation (Linux) and validated it with DRGFilt10 on the CMS data set in fixed-width mode, in CSV mode and in CGI mode.

Now we are hard at work creating versions of our products based on this DAE. We expect to have them for sale by the end of today (3-Oct-2016) or sometime tomorrow at the latest, barred any technical difficulties.

While we code off of the CMS pseudo-code logic definition, we validate against their data set. We are a bit perturbed about having to deviate from the logic version in the following ways in order to correctly group their data set:

  • relax the Invalid Sex check for MDC 25 and MDC 8
  • assume a Principal Dx is invalid if there is no MDC and no Dx category
However, since we can group their data set correctly, we are moving on with our process. If you have an interesting test cases which address the above topics, or any comments on them, please submit them below.

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