Thursday, February 6, 2020

Bug Fix For DRGFilt

When validating some of our other software, we discovered a long-standing bug in our DRGFilt product which supports ICD10 codes, both the Linux and Windows implementations. This bug is in versions v33, v34 and v34a, v35 and v35a, v36 and v37.

The patched versions are as follows:

  • v33a
  • v34b
  • v35b
  • v36a
  • v37a

The bug does not affect DRG assignment; it only affects reporting of the DRG weight. Specifically, unpatched executables  report the DRG weight as 10 times greater than it is. Thus 1.2345 was reported as 12.3450.

The good news is that if you are using the weights for their usual purpose, predicting relative resource consumption, you code worked because all the weights were increased by the same factor.

The bad news is that the weights were wrong.

Here are the steps we have taken to correct this issue:

  1. We have patched the sources and built new DRGFilt executables: v33a, v34b, v35a, v36a and v37a.
  2. We have sent updated versions to any and all clients who purchased the buggy products.
  3. We have updated our on-line store with the new executables.
  4. We have posted this message on our Tech Blog
  5. We are updating our QA process to make sure that we do not have weight reporting problems ever again.

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